This will melt in your mouth! This pork tenderloin soaks up the yummy juices as it cooks. Make sure to serve up the au jus on the side - its amazing! This...
I came up with this spinach and mushroom stuffed pork tenderloin one day when looking for something new to do with pork tenderloin. This dish is very easy...
Ditch the boring grilled chicken for a lean and juicy pork tenderloin with pineapple. Your kids will love the fun new way of eating dinner, and you will...
Super-easy slow cooked pork tenderloin with sauerkraut and potatoes. Use a slow cooker liner for effortless cleanup. This is also good served with mashed...
This pork tenderloin cooks all day in the slow cooker with a creamy Dijon and sour cream sauce. It melts in your mouth. I serve it with mashed potatoes...
One of my family's favorites. If you aren't a garlic fan, pass on this one. A diet breaker, but worth it. Pork tenderloin are often sold 2 to a bag, so...
This main dish is beautiful in its presentation and always comes out tender and juicy even if you overcook it a little. The crust of bread crumbs holds...
This is one meal to impress dinner guests that will not break the bank nor will it take very much time! Served with a green salad, red potatoes, and asparagus,...
When shopping for this recipe be sure to choose plums (or any other stone fruit) that are fairly firm so they keep their shape after roasting. You know...
This sweet and spicy tenderloin recipe is super easy! Make it as spicy as you like by adding more or different types of chili peppers. This version is...
A wonderful overnight marinade makes the pork so flavorful - serve with the delicious, creamy mustard sauce. A super dish for buffets and potlucks, as...
This delicious pork tenderloin recipe with cherry sauce is courtesy of my sister who made it 20 years ago, and which I have reminisced about over the years....
This ultimate pork tenderloin is baked in the oven with mushrooms, onions and a bottle of beer. It comes out so tender, it melts in your mouth. Thank you...
If you leave Indiana, nobody will know what you are talking about. But if you come visit us, you will make it a point to grab one of these on your next...
Jazz up your pork tenderloin with this spicy-sweet combo of apples, cider, sweet potatoes, and as much or as little heat as your palate requires! This...
My husband showed up at home with a huge case of pork tenderloin. After a little figuring, this is the best of the best recipes that I was able to come...
A wonderfully elegant and easy pork tenderloin dish with a creamy herbed wine sauce. Very rich, without all of the fat and calories! Serve with garlic...
Sometimes you just have to show off. This is one of my many recipes that looks very impressive to your dinner guests but is, in fact, quite simple and...
One of my favorite flavor combinations ever! This pork dish combines the strength of garlic with the sweetness of red pepper balanced by a tangy lemon...